It’s been quiet over the past few weeks whilst the school summer holidays have run their course. Sometimes these breaks allow opportunities for work on school sites and I was fortunate enough to secure work for Wilstead Lower School over this break. I have installed a new picket fence to the school playing field, this incorporates a timber building which will become part of the schools new ‘Forest School’ approach.
The above job was the biggest over last month with other time spent on some fence maintenance work, painting a timber picket fence! You can go years and not have any picket fence work and I have been on two in the same month… This painting work was on a low picket fence that I had previously installed on a landscaping project around a pond. (Details here).
The smallest ‘install’ was a key safe for a customer. Bolted onto some brickwork this ‘project’ like all small jobs was more time in the ‘going to the job and getting out the tools’ phase than actually installing the key safe. I had some initial scepticism over the fixing supplied with the item, past experience with ‘Thunderbolts’ has been poor but I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised at how well they secured the safe on to the brickwork.
I also finally made progress with with a revolving summer house project. This is an old timber summer house that actually belonged to my grandparents, it may actually be just older than me. This was given to me by the new owners of my grandparents property who wanted it gone and I have have 'refurbished' it. Details are here.